Why Poultry Based Regenerative Farming?
Three Reasons...

Poultry produces a lot of highly fertile by-products in the form of manure and left-overs from processing the chickens.
These highly fertile by-products are…
applied directly to pastureland via mobile chicken houses called “prairie schooners” or “chicken tractors”, and
mixed with carbon sources on the farm (animal bedding) and composted into a nutrient rich soil amendment filled with highly beneficial bacteria and fungi.
We use our own compost to grow our nutrient dense crops.
In addition to an abundance of amazing food, we have a sustainable source of fertilizer and don’t rely on long supply chains for the fertility required for our pastures or crops. Our main source of fertilizer is produced right here on the farm. By comparison, the organic food industry relies on the chicken industry as one of their main sources of fertility. They ship this fertility from distant poultry farms, burning fossil fuels in the process and relying on disconnected third parties for their livelihood.

We raise this food for our family because we understand that food from the conventional, chemical based agriculture system not only lacks the nutrients our bodies require, but is sprayed with toxic chemicals that contribute to most of the chronic diseases. I won't eat that food and needed a source I could trust.
We're a family of athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, students of health and nutrition, lovers of great food, and now regenerative farmers and permaculturists. We came from the city with a purpose to provide this nutrient dense abundance for ourselves and want to share the surplus.